1. Tennessee: Two people arrested for alleged sex trafficking of a teenage girl

Chadwick Corley, 21, of Memphis, Tennessee, and Zoe Whitlock, 23, of Ellisville, Mississippi, were arrested in Tennessee for allegedly sex trafficking a 17-year-old girl, accused of trafficking the girl for commercial sex. The teenager was rescued, and the two suspects were taken into custody during a traffic stop in Hickman County on Feb. 21, according to a press release.

2. California: a man accused twin brother of 2 rapes in the 1990s is convicted of crimes

DNA evidence linked identical twin brothers to two rapes in the 1990s, and one accused the other of committing the horrific crimes. Earlier this week, however, an Orange County jury convicted 57-year-old Kevin Michael Konther for raping a 9-year-old girl and 32-year-old woman in 1995 and 1998, respectively. Konther was also convicted of molesting his ex-girlfriend's 12-year-old daughter.

3. California: Serial LA sex assault suspect with 'distinctive odor' met victims online

A Los Angeles serial sexual assault suspect with a "distinctive body odor" is accused of meeting victims online and using "elaborate ruses" to hide his identity, according to police. The Los Angeles Police Department arrested Benjamin Parke Belser, 36, earlier this month on suspicion of rape, forced sodomy, forced oral copulation, and sexual penetration with a foreign object for at least five sexual assaults dating back to 2017.

4. California: Serial killer's child-rapist cellmate found dead in prison

A convicted serial killer is suspected of killing his pedophile cellmate less than a month after he arrived at prison, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Juan Villanueva, 53, who was serving a life sentence with the possibility of parole for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14, was found unresponsive by North Kern State Prison officials during a welfare check.

5. Illinois: Man meets a woman on dating app prior to tying her up in his mom's basement, beating her

An Illinois man was arrested for allegedly holding a woman he met on a dating app against her will and beating her. The victim may have also been sexually assaulted. The man had been holding the woman against her will in his mother's house since Sunday, Dolton police told FOX 32 Chicago.

6. Mississippi: Local pastor accused of sexual battery held without bond

A youth pastor accused of having sex with a 16-year-old church member in Mississippi is being held without bond. Alexander Blackwelder, 26, of Tupelo, faces two counts of sexual battery and enticement of a child to produce visual depictions of adult sexual conduct. He is being held in the Lee County Jail.

7. Louisiana: Madison Brooks death: Leaked video of LSU student triggers family outrage

A video clip of LSU sophomore Madison Brooks slurring her words in the back of a car surrounded by her accused rapists was "hurtful and shameful," Brooks' mother's lawyer told Fox News Digital. Lawyers for the suspects released a 29-second cellphone recording to local news outlet WBRZ 2, which aired the video along with an interview with the lawyers on Feb. 13.

8. Massachusetts: Former youth minister pleads guilty to sexually assaulting 3 vulnerable boys

A former youth minister has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting three vulnerable boys that he met through church, prosecutors said. Russell Davis, 70, of Seabrook, New Hampshire, and formerly of Newbury, Massachusetts, was sentenced in Salem Superior Court on Wednesday to up to four years in state prison after pleading guilty to multiple charges, including child rape, according to a statement from Essex District Attorney Paul Tucker. The victims ranged in age from 12 to 16 and the assaults occurred in Massachusetts between 1988 and 2006, prosecutors said.

9. Washington: Seattle high school teacher charged with having sexual relationship with 16-year-old student

A Seattle high school teacher accused of having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student was formally charged Thursday with two counts of sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree, and one count of communication with a minor for immoral purposes. Pathompornvivat, a science teacher at Franklin High School, was arrest after officers arrived to investigate a "sexual offense with a child," according to a statement of probable cause obtained by Fox News Digital.

10. New York: R. Kelly sentenced to 20 years in prison on child sex crimes

Singer and producer R. Kelly was sentenced to an additional 20 years in prison on charges of child pornography and enticement of minors for sex. U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber ordered that Kelly serve one year in prison following the previous sentencing imposed last year in New York. This means Kelly will serve no more than 31 years in prison.

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