Court Records in Maricopa Country, AZ
Public Records Search
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsView Avondale City Court calendar, including search instructions and general information.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch Chandler Municipal Court case record database by case number or party's name.
Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Driving RecordsSearch City of Mesa Municipal Court traffic tickets by name, complaint number, parking notice number or DR number.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch City of Mesa Municipal Court dates by first and last name.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch City of Scottsdale court information by name, case number, citation number or complaint number.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch City of Surprise Court Dates by defendant, attorney or type of appearance.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch City of Tempe Municipal Court records by court case, complaint number, violation date or contract number.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch Gilbert Municipal Court records by name, date of birth, driver's license number, or citation number.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch Glendale Arizona Court System case database and payment system by citation number, case number, last name or attorney name.
Arrest Records, Assessor and Property Tax Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police Records, WarrantsView Glendale most wanted list by name, including photographs, DOB and charges.
Birth Records, Court Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Employee Directory, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court marriage license information, including application requirements and fees.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch Maricopa County Justice Courts case history by name, business or case number.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsView Maricopa County Superior Court docket, including civil, criminal, family and probate cases.
Arizona Property Records Search
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