Crimes and Crime Data in Nassau Country, NY

Public Records Search

  • Crimes and Crime Data, Permits and Inspections, Warrants
    Search or view the Village of Freeport archive of public documents, including crime alerts, wanted persons, meeting agendas, and building department documents.
  • Crimes and Crime Data
    View the Village of Freeport Police activity and crime statistics including total calls for service and percentage of change by year.
  • Crimes and Crime Data, Traffic Cameras and Reports
    View information about obtaining copies of the Village of Freeport crime reports and traffic accident reports.
  • Crimes and Crime Data, Warrants
    Search Freeport archived documents by keywords, and time periods.
  • Crimes and Crime Data, Employee Directory, Police Records
    View Freeport Police Department home page, including general information, staff names and contact details.
  • Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police Records, Warrants
    View Nassau County Child Support Enforcement Unit deadbeat parents wanted list by name, including last known address and arrears.
  • Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police Records, Warrants
    View Nassau County most wanted list by name, including photographs, charges, DOB and charges.
  • Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Warrants
    View Nassau County, NY, Deadbeat Parent List delinquent in child support payments.
  • Crimes and Crime Data, Employee Directory, Jail and Inmate Records, Police Records
    View Nassau County Sheriff home page, including name, hours, phone number, and address.
  • Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police Records
    Search Village of Great Neck Plaza Justice Court summons records by summons number, license plate, or driver's license number.

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