Death Records in Ventura Country, CA
Public Records Search
Birth Records, Business Licenses, Death Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage RecordsView information about ordering certified copies of Ventura County birth, death and marriage certificates in person, by mail, or online.
Death Records, Genealogy RecordsSearch the City of Thousand Oaks library databases including genealogy resources, obituaries, magazines, newspapers, consumer information, and general reference materials. A Thousand Oaks Library card is required to access these databases.
Birth Records, Business Licenses, Death Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Voter and Elections InformationVentura County Clerk and Recorder
Ventura County Hall of Administration, Main Plaza
800 South Victoria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009
Phones: Recorder: (805) 654-2295 Clerk: (805) 654-2263 Elections: (805) 654-2781 -
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Camarillo Public Library e-source information page including research categories and online resources.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView City of Thousand Oaks research topics and find all the available and relevant information.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Employee Directory, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Ventura County Clerk and Recorder home page, including name, hours, phone number, and address.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Property Records, Vital RecordsSearch Ventura County Clerk and Recorder's Office data base for documents using last, first, and middle names.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Ventura County Clerk's Office marriage licenses information including online application, certificate types and fees.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Ventura County Clerk-Recorder Office vital records, including requirements and fees.
Birth Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Death Records, Divorce Records, Marriage Records, Vital Records, WarrantsView Ventura County Crime Stopper Wanted Suspects List.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Employee Directory, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Ventura County Genealogical Society webpage for general information page, including hours, phone number, and address.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Employee Directory, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Ventura County Library home page including library catalog, upcoming events, recent news, and digital archives.
Arrest Records, Birth Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Death Records, Divorce Records, Jail and Inmate Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsSearch Ventura County Sheriff's Office Inmate database by name or booking number.
California Property Records Search
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