Jail and Inmate Records in Walker Country, GA
Public Records Search
Jail and Inmate RecordsSearch Walker County inmate records by GDOC id, case number or name.
Crimes and Crime Data, Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales, Jail and Inmate Records, WarrantsWalker County Sheriff and Jail
105 South Duke St., LaFayette, GA 30728
Phone (706)638-1909 -
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate Records, Police RecordsView Walker County Superior Court calendars, including jail list and arraignments.
Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate RecordsView Walker County daily intake report by date and time, including name and charges.
Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate RecordsView Walker County Sheriff's Office prisoner report by name, including gender, date of birth, and charges.
Crimes and Crime Data, Employee Directory, Jail and Inmate Records, Police Records, WarrantsView Walker County Sheriff's Office home page with a letter from the sheriff, news updates and crime reporting information.
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