Jail and Inmate Records in McLean Country, IL
Public Records Search
Jail and Inmate RecordsCity of Bloomington Police Department
305 South East St., Bloomington, IL 61701
Phone (309)820-8888 Fax (309)434-2845 -
Jail and Inmate RecordsSearch Illinois Department of Corrections inmate records by name, birthdate or IDOC number.
Crimes and Crime Data, Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales, Jail and Inmate Records, WarrantsMcLean County Sheriff
104 West Front St., Bloomington, IL 61701
Phone (309)888-5019
Jail Phone (309)888-5065 -
Jail and Inmate RecordsTown of Normal Police Department
100 East Phoenix, Normal, IL 61761
Phone (309)888-5030 Fax (309)454-9709 -
Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate Records, WarrantsView the Town of Normal Police press releases including arrests and warrants.
Crimes and Crime Data, Employee Directory, Jail and Inmate Records, Police RecordsView McLean County Sheriff home page, including hours, phone number, and address.
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