Jail and Inmate Records in Kenton Country, KY
Public Records Search
Jail and Inmate RecordsCity of Covington Police Department
One Police Memorial Drive, Covington, KY 41014
Phone (859)356-3191 Fax (859)261-0202 -
Jail and Inmate RecordsKenton County Detention Center
3000 Decker Crane Lane, Covington, KY 41017
Phone (859)363-2400 -
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales, Jail and Inmate RecordsKenton County Sheriff
303 Court St., Covington, KY 41011
Phone (859)392-1800 -
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate Records, Police RecordsView Kenton County Detention Center jail records and sex offender registry by county and name.
Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate RecordsView Kenton County Detention Center inmates by name, photo, and booking date.
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