Laws and Codes in Sacramento Country, CA
Public Records Search
Laws and CodesView the City of Citrus Heights municipal code of ordinances by chapter including supplement history.
Laws and CodesSearch of view the City of Elk Grove municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 4-2013, passed March 13, 2013.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of Folsom municipal code. This code is code is current through Ordinance 1175, passed February 12, 2013.
Laws and CodesView the City of Folsom ordinances proposed for adoption and recently adopted ordinances.
Laws and CodesSearch the City of Rancho Cordova City Council and Planning Commission document archive including ordinances, resolutions, agendas, and minutes. Search by keywords or date range.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of Rancho Cordova municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 6-2013, passed February 4, 2013.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of Sacramento municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 2013-0001 and the February 2013 code supplement.
Laws and CodesSearch or view Sacramento County code of ordinances. This code is current through ordinance 11523 and the March 2013 code supplement.
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