Laws and Codes in Canyon Country, ID
Public Records Search
Laws and Codes, Permits and InspectionsView information about the City of Nampa building, plumbing, electrical, energy, erosion, and mechanical permits and inspections, including fee schedules, permit application forms, ordinances, policies, monthly building permit activity reports, and plan review permit status log.
Laws and CodesView the City of Nampa city code including updated ordinance 4194 passed August 3, 2015.
GIS and Mapping, Laws and Codes, Permits and InspectionsView information about the City of Nampa planning and zoning maps including future land use, plat and project status, zoning, street and neighborhood maps, zoning and subdivision ordinances, and applications for zoning permits and elevation certificates.
Laws and CodesView Canyon County code of ordinances. This code was last updated by ordinance 15-014, passed July 1, 2015.
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