Marriage Records in Butler Country, OH
Public Records Search
Birth Records, Court Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage RecordsView Butler County genealogy records including biographies, births, cemetery burials, census records, marriages, obituaries and death notices, military records, and newspaper gleanings.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Birth Records, Court Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage RecordsView information about requesting records from Butler County Records Center and Archives by mail or email. Available records include births, Commissioner's minutes, deaths, estate inventory, marriages, naturalizations, wills, and more.
Marriage Records, Voter and Elections InformationView requirement for obtaining a Butler County marriage license.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Butler County genealogy trails website for general information and for record search including birth, marriage, military and death.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Butler County Health Department vital records information, including birth and death certificates, application form, address and telephone number.
Birth Records, Court Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Butler County Probate Court marriage license information, including hours, forms and frequently asked questions.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Butler County Recorder veteran grave records by name, address, cemetery, location and service history.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Butler County Records Center and Archives records, including instructions and fees.
Arrest Records, Birth Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Death Records, Divorce Records, Jail and Inmate Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Butler County Sheriff's Office persons in custody by name, including arrest date and booking date.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsSearch Butler County veterans records by first name, last name, conflict, and branch.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Butler County vital statistics information including ways of obtaining a certificate and the price for each certificate.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsSearch Greenwood Cemetery burial records by name, date of death, date of burial, and more.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Middletown Health Department vital statistics, including guidelines and requirements for obtaining copies of birth certificates and adoption files.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Employee Directory, Genealogy Records, GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView MidPointe Library System library information page, including addresses, hours, and contact information.
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