Permits and Inspections in Montgomery Country, MD
Public Records Search
GIS and Mapping, Permits and InspectionsView the City of Gaithersburg Planning and Code Administration maps, including general reference, address plans, census, historic areas, annexation, and zoning maps.
GIS and Mapping, Permits and Inspections, Sustainability and Environmental Health, Voter and Elections InformationView interactive and static GIS maps of the City of Rockville, including general, historic districts, election, stormwater management, historic conservation easements, and zoning maps.
Permits and InspectionsView the City of Rockville monthly issued permit reports and applications filed in planning reports from 2008 to present.
Contractor Licenses, Permits and InspectionsSearch the City of Rockville permit, license, and application status by case number.
Permits and Inspections, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the City of Rockville annual water quality reports.
Permits and InspectionsView Montgomery County Housing Department condemned property listing by date range.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Business Licenses, Contractor Licenses, Permits and InspectionsSearch Montgomery County building permits and inspection status, view technical reviews, and schedule or cancel inspections online.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Business Licenses, Permits and InspectionsSearch Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs database of permit records, property records, rental licensing records, and code enforcement case status by address, name or license number.