Voter and Elections Information in Bernalillo Country, NM
Public Records Search
Voter and Elections InformationView City of Albuquerque campaign finance reports by candidate last name, committee id, district or status.
Land Records and Deeds, Voter and Elections InformationCity of Albuquerque City Clerk
600 2nd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone (505)924-3650 Fax (505)924-3660 -
Voter and Elections InformationView City of Albuquerque voter and election information including district maps, voting locations, and election results.
Voter and Elections InformationView City of Rio Rancho election results by date from 2008 to present.
GIS and Mapping, Voter and Elections InformationView Bernalillo County voter registration and election information including absentee ballot, precinct location, and election results.
Voter and Elections InformationView Bernalillo County voter registration and election information including how and where to register to vote.