Voter and Elections Information in Belmont Country, OH
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Voter and Elections InformationView Belmont County absentee voter reports sorted alphabetically by voter name or by precinct.
GIS and Mapping, Voter and Elections InformationView Belmont County election results from 2010 to present.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales, Genealogy Records, GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Permits and Inspections, Sex Offender Registration, Sustainability and Environmental Health, Traffic Cameras and Reports, Voter and Elections InformationView Belmont County GIS maps including recorded plats, searchable parcel data with aerial photos, tax maps, flood zones, watersheds, voting precincts, and school districts.
GIS and Mapping, Voter and Elections InformationSearch for Belmont County polling locations by address.
Voter and Elections InformationView Belmont County precinct and polling place information by district category.
GIS and Mapping, Voter and Elections InformationView information about Belmont County voter registration, absentee voting, ID requirements, becoming a poll worker, provisional voting, and upcoming elections.
Voter and Elections InformationSearch for Belmont County voter information by name to obtain voting history, polling location, and elected officials, or to request an absentee ballot.
Voter and Elections InformationView Belmont County voter lists by election date, party affiliation, and precinct.
GIS and Mapping, Voter and Elections InformationView maps of Belmont County voting precincts by municipality.
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