Voter and Elections Information in Cleveland Country, OK
Public Records Search
Land Records and Deeds, Voter and Elections InformationCity of Moore City Clerk
301 North Broadway, Moore, OK 73160
Phone (405)793-5002 Fax (405)799-1825 -
GIS and Mapping, Voter and Elections InformationView City of Moore City Council updated ward maps with population totals.
GIS and Mapping, Voter and Elections InformationSearch Cleveland County polling place locator by precinct number.
GIS and Mapping, Voter and Elections InformationView Cleveland County voter registration and election information including absentee ballot, polling place locator, and election results.
GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Voter and Elections InformationSearch Cleveland County Commissioners districts map by number, address or place.
GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Voter and Elections InformationView Cleveland County precinct and district maps, including state senate districts and school districts.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Employee Directory, Voter and Elections InformationView Norman City Government campaign finance reports by candidate, date, contributions, expenditures, loans and balance.